Have you ever watched a cat about to give birth? Or seen a sheep preparing to lamb?

There’s something magical about how animals just… know exactly what to do when it comes to bringing new life into the world.

Let me paint you a picture. A cat doesn’t scroll through Pinterest looking for the perfect birthing location.

She doesn’t ask her friends for advice or worry about Instagram-worthy birth moments.

Instead, she follows an ancient, incredibly smart internal GPS that says, “Here. This quiet spot under the bed. This is where my baby (kittens) will arrive.”

And you know what? She’s usually spot on.

Animals have some seriously impressive birthing strategies:

Here’s the thing most of us forget: Your body has been perfectly designed. It knows how to birth a baby just like it knows how to breathe or heal a cut.

We’ve just forgotten how to listen.

Stress is the ultimate birth disruptor. For mammals, feeling unsafe can literally pause labour. Imagine a wild animal sensing a predator nearby – her body will halt everything until she feels secure again.

In human terms? That strange hospital room, those bright lights, multiple strangers barging into the room and examining you – they’re your metaphorical predator.

Midwives have seen it all. They’ll tell you stories of:

One midwife friend told me about a woman who was 6cm dilated, then dropped to 3cm when a senior midwife entered the room. Not because anyone was unkind, but because the environment suddenly felt less safe.

Iโ€™m not suggesting you give birth in a shed or ignore medical support. But what if we:

Practical Tips

๐ŸŒŸWant to Explore a More Empowering Birth Approach?๐ŸŒŸ

Let’s chat about how you can tap into your body’s incredible birthing intelligence:

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โœ‰๏ธ helloabiantochow@gmail.com

Your body knows the way. Let’s discover it together.